Hindi meaning of caveat
Synonym warning; resistance; remonstrance; remonstrant;
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English Dictionary:
- A notice given by an interested party to some officer not
to do a certain act until the party is heard in opposition; as, a
caveat entered in a probate court to stop the proving of a will or the
taking out of letters of administration, etc.
- A description of some invention, designed to be patented, lodged in the patent office before the patent right is applied for, and operating as a bar to the issue of letters patent to any other person, respecting the same invention.
- Intimation of caution; warning; protest.
- A description of some invention, designed to be patented, lodged in the patent office before the patent right is applied for, and operating as a bar to the issue of letters patent to any other person, respecting the same invention.
- Intimation of caution; warning; protest.
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