Hindi & English Terms of Service

Last modified: September 1, 2015

Hindi & English thanks you for using this online information service. By using our service, you are agreeing with our terms.

Hindi & English helps to learn English and Hindi languages. It offers you totally free online language solutions. Our service includes English to Hindi(E2H), Hindi to English(H2E) dictionary searching options with related and suggested words and other sources and references of that word to provide a clear idea. We divided words into many categories by various topics so you can learn it effectively. You can search phrases and idioms. We provide you the interface of google translator which gives facilities to translate any language. We are regularly updating the dictionary database.

We are always concerned of your privacy. To learn about our privacy policy, we are referring you to read our privacy policy.

According to our terms you agree that you will:

  • Not trying to misuse of Hindi & English content by breaking copyright.
  • Not use automated software to break the flow of service
  • Not trying to spamming.

As you are using our services, we do not promise about our content basically those are from other sources as references.
Example- Reliability of the content, availability, or ability to meet your needs within our services.

Any updates of our terms of services, we will notify you.
You may have suggestions, questions or a complaint, that you can do by contact us any time.

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