Hindi meaning of communicate
communicate /verb/ संचार करना; बताना; पहुंचाना; संबंध रखना; सूचना देना; प्रकट करना; सूचित करना; ताल्लुक़ रखना; बतलाना;Synonym transfuse; inform; deliver; interconnect; report; unfold; denote; tell; Communicate;
Next : communicationPrevious : commune
English Dictionary:
- To share in common; to participate in.
- To impart; to bestow; to convey; as, to communicate a disease or a sensation; to communicate motion by means of a crank.
- To make known; to recount; to give; to impart; as, to communicate information to any one.
- To administer the communion to.
- To share or participate; to possess or enjoy in common; to have sympathy.
- To give alms, sympathy, or aid.
- To have intercourse or to be the means of intercourse; as, to communicate with another on business; to be connected; as, a communicating artery.
- To partake of the Lord's supper; to commune.
- To impart; to bestow; to convey; as, to communicate a disease or a sensation; to communicate motion by means of a crank.
- To make known; to recount; to give; to impart; as, to communicate information to any one.
- To administer the communion to.
- To share or participate; to possess or enjoy in common; to have sympathy.
- To give alms, sympathy, or aid.
- To have intercourse or to be the means of intercourse; as, to communicate with another on business; to be connected; as, a communicating artery.
- To partake of the Lord's supper; to commune.
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