Hindi meaning of impose
Synonym inflict; put; impose oneself; effect; impute; set down; Foist;
Next : imposingPrevious : importunity
English Dictionary:
- A command; injunction. - To practice trick or deception. - To lay on; to set or place; to put; to deposit.
- To lay as a charge, burden, tax, duty, obligation, command, penalty, etc.; to enjoin; to levy; to inflict; as, to impose a toll or tribute.
- To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination.
- To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing; -- said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc.
- To lay as a charge, burden, tax, duty, obligation, command, penalty, etc.; to enjoin; to levy; to inflict; as, to impose a toll or tribute.
- To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination.
- To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing; -- said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc.
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