Hindi meaning of raft
/verb/बेड़ा चलाना; पटेला चलाना; पार उतारने का बेड़ा चलाना; बेड़ा बनाना; तरापा; लट्ठा;
Synonym fleet; flatboat; passage boat; punt; log;
English Dictionary:
- imp. & p. p. of Reave.
- of Reave - A collection of logs, boards, pieces of timber, or the like, fastened together, either for their own collective conveyance on the water, or to serve as a support in conveying other things; a float.
- A collection of logs, fallen trees, etc. (such as is formed in some Western rivers of the United States), which obstructs navigation.
- A large collection of people or things taken indiscriminately. - To transport on a raft, or in the form of a raft; to make into a raft; as, to raft timber.
- of Reave - A collection of logs, boards, pieces of timber, or the like, fastened together, either for their own collective conveyance on the water, or to serve as a support in conveying other things; a float.
- A collection of logs, fallen trees, etc. (such as is formed in some Western rivers of the United States), which obstructs navigation.
- A large collection of people or things taken indiscriminately. - To transport on a raft, or in the form of a raft; to make into a raft; as, to raft timber.
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