Hindi meaning of sever
Synonym disbranch; unroot; dissociate; insulate; part; rupture; separate; disserver; crumple;
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English Dictionary:
- To suffer disjunction; to be parted, or rent asunder; to
be separated; to part; to separate.
- To make a separation or distinction; to distinguish. - To separate, as one from another; to cut off from something; to divide; to part in any way, especially by violence, as by cutting, rending, etc.; as, to sever the head from the body.
- To cut or break open or apart; to divide into parts; to cut through; to disjoin; as, to sever the arm or leg.
- To keep distinct or apart; to except; to exempt.
- To disunite; to disconnect; to terminate; as, to sever an estate in joint tenancy.
- To make a separation or distinction; to distinguish. - To separate, as one from another; to cut off from something; to divide; to part in any way, especially by violence, as by cutting, rending, etc.; as, to sever the head from the body.
- To cut or break open or apart; to divide into parts; to cut through; to disjoin; as, to sever the arm or leg.
- To keep distinct or apart; to except; to exempt.
- To disunite; to disconnect; to terminate; as, to sever an estate in joint tenancy.
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