Hindi meaning of pale
/noun/सीमा; अहाता; कील; खूंटा; घेरा;
/verb/अहाता स्थापित करना; फीका पड़ना; ज़र्द पड़ना; पीला हो जाना; धूँधला हो जाना;
Synonym yellow; faded; weak; paly; pallid; dim; sleazy; limit; quad; nail; paling; hoop;
Previous : palatial
English Dictionary:
- Paleness; pallor.
- A pointed stake or slat, either driven into the ground, or fastened to a rail at the top and bottom, for fencing or inclosing; a picket.
- That which incloses or fences in; a boundary; a limit; a fence; a palisade.
- A space or field having bounds or limits; a limited region or place; an inclosure; -- often used figuratively.
- A stripe or band, as on a garment.
- One of the greater ordinaries, being a broad perpendicular stripe in an escutcheon, equally distant from the two edges, and occupying one third of it.
- A cheese scoop.
- A shore for bracing a timber before it is fastened. - Wanting in color; not ruddy; dusky white; pallid; wan; as, a pale face; a pale red; a pale blue.
- Not bright or brilliant; of a faint luster or hue; dim; as, the pale light of the moon.
- To turn pale; to lose color or luster. - To make pale; to diminish the brightness of.
- To inclose with pales, or as with pales; to encircle; to encompass; to fence off.
- A pointed stake or slat, either driven into the ground, or fastened to a rail at the top and bottom, for fencing or inclosing; a picket.
- That which incloses or fences in; a boundary; a limit; a fence; a palisade.
- A space or field having bounds or limits; a limited region or place; an inclosure; -- often used figuratively.
- A stripe or band, as on a garment.
- One of the greater ordinaries, being a broad perpendicular stripe in an escutcheon, equally distant from the two edges, and occupying one third of it.
- A cheese scoop.
- A shore for bracing a timber before it is fastened. - Wanting in color; not ruddy; dusky white; pallid; wan; as, a pale face; a pale red; a pale blue.
- Not bright or brilliant; of a faint luster or hue; dim; as, the pale light of the moon.
- To turn pale; to lose color or luster. - To make pale; to diminish the brightness of.
- To inclose with pales, or as with pales; to encircle; to encompass; to fence off.
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