Hindi meaning of siege
Synonym blockade; hoop; barrier; circumferential; picket;
English Dictionary:
- A seat; especially, a royal seat; a throne.
- Hence, place or situation; seat.
- Rank; grade; station; estimation.
- Passage of excrements; stool; fecal matter.
- The sitting of an army around or before a fortified place for the purpose of compelling the garrison to surrender; the surrounding or investing of a place by an army, and approaching it by passages and advanced works, which cover the besiegers from the enemy's fire. See the Note under Blockade.
- Hence, a continued attempt to gain possession.
- The floor of a glass-furnace.
- A workman's bench. - To besiege; to beset.
- Hence, place or situation; seat.
- Rank; grade; station; estimation.
- Passage of excrements; stool; fecal matter.
- The sitting of an army around or before a fortified place for the purpose of compelling the garrison to surrender; the surrounding or investing of a place by an army, and approaching it by passages and advanced works, which cover the besiegers from the enemy's fire. See the Note under Blockade.
- Hence, a continued attempt to gain possession.
- The floor of a glass-furnace.
- A workman's bench. - To besiege; to beset.
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