Hindi meaning of slow
/adjective/धीमा; सुस्त; मंथर; निष्क्रिय; आलसी; मंदा; मंदगतिवाला; दीर्घसूत्री; क्लांतिकर; असावधान; मध्यम;
/verb/धीमा करना; सुस्त करना; धीमा पड़ना; सुस्त होना; शिथिल; ढीला; मन्द; मन्दगति;
Synonym gently; slowly; quiet; low; sluggish; tardy; inactive; lazy; cheap; inattentive; medium; decelerate;
English Dictionary:
- imp. of Slee, to slay. Slew. - Slowly. - A moth. - Moving a short space in a relatively long time; not
swift; not quick in motion; not rapid; moderate; deliberate; as, a slow
stream; a slow motion.
- Not happening in a short time; gradual; late.
- Not ready; not prompt or quick; dilatory; sluggish; as, slow of speech, and slow of tongue.
- Not hasty; not precipitate; acting with deliberation; tardy; inactive.
- Behind in time; indicating a time earlier than the true time; as, the clock or watch is slow.
- Not advancing or improving rapidly; as, the slow growth of arts and sciences.
- Heavy in wit; not alert, prompt, or spirited; wearisome; dull. - To go slower; -- often with up; as, the train slowed up before crossing the bridge. - To render slow; to slacken the speed of; to retard; to delay; as, to slow a steamer.
- Not happening in a short time; gradual; late.
- Not ready; not prompt or quick; dilatory; sluggish; as, slow of speech, and slow of tongue.
- Not hasty; not precipitate; acting with deliberation; tardy; inactive.
- Behind in time; indicating a time earlier than the true time; as, the clock or watch is slow.
- Not advancing or improving rapidly; as, the slow growth of arts and sciences.
- Heavy in wit; not alert, prompt, or spirited; wearisome; dull. - To go slower; -- often with up; as, the train slowed up before crossing the bridge. - To render slow; to slacken the speed of; to retard; to delay; as, to slow a steamer.
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