Hindi meaning of void
/noun/शून्यता; असारता; ख़ालीपन;
/verb/खलना; उंडेलना; उठा देना; अमान्य ठहराना; ख़ाली करना; मंसूख़ करना; मान्य कर देना;
Synonym empty; vain; blank; fruitless; hollow; unfulfilled; extra; disengaged; emptiness; vacuity; blankness; transfuse;
English Dictionary:
- Containing nothing; empty; vacant; not occupied; not filled.
- Having no incumbent; unoccupied; -- said of offices and the like.
- Being without; destitute; free; wanting; devoid; as, void of learning, or of common use.
- Not producing any effect; ineffectual; vain.
- Containing no immaterial quality; destitute of mind or soul.
- Of no legal force or effect, incapable of confirmation or ratification; null. Cf. Voidable, 2.
- To remove the contents of; to make or leave vacant or empty; to quit; to leave; as, to void a table.
- To throw or send out; to evacuate; to emit; to discharge; as, to void excrements.
- To render void; to make to be of no validity or effect; to vacate; to annul; to nullify. - An empty space; a vacuum. - To be emitted or evacuated.
- Having no incumbent; unoccupied; -- said of offices and the like.
- Being without; destitute; free; wanting; devoid; as, void of learning, or of common use.
- Not producing any effect; ineffectual; vain.
- Containing no immaterial quality; destitute of mind or soul.
- Of no legal force or effect, incapable of confirmation or ratification; null. Cf. Voidable, 2.
- To remove the contents of; to make or leave vacant or empty; to quit; to leave; as, to void a table.
- To throw or send out; to evacuate; to emit; to discharge; as, to void excrements.
- To render void; to make to be of no validity or effect; to vacate; to annul; to nullify. - An empty space; a vacuum. - To be emitted or evacuated.
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