Hindi meaning of watch
/verb/नज़र रखना; ध्यान से देखना; ग़ौर से देखना; पर्यवेक्षण करना; निगरानी करना; निगरानी रखना; निगाह रखना; देख-भाल करना; देख-भाल रखना; चौकसी; ताक्; रात को जागना;
Synonym clock; surveillance; escort; care; track; look on; pore over; look at; see to; track down; superintend; watch over;
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English Dictionary:
- An allotted portion of time, usually four hour for standing
watch, or being on deck ready for duty. Cf. Dogwatch.
- That part, usually one half, of the officers and crew, who together attend to the working of a vessel for an allotted time, usually four hours. The watches are designated as the port watch, and the starboard watch. - The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly observant attention; close observation; guard; preservative or preventive vigilance; formerly, a watching or guarding by night.
- One who watches, or those who watch; a watchman, or a body of watchmen; a sentry; a guard.
- The post or office of a watchman; also, the place where a watchman is posted, or where a guard is kept.
- The period of the night during which a person does duty as a sentinel, or guard; the time from the placing of a sentinel till his relief; hence, a division of the night.
- A small timepiece, or chronometer, to be carried about the person, the machinery of which is moved by a spring.
- To be awake; to be or continue without sleep; to wake; to keep vigil.
- To be attentive or vigilant; to give heed; to be on the lookout; to keep guard; to act as sentinel.
- To be expectant; to look with expectation; to wait; to seek opportunity.
- To remain awake with any one as nurse or attendant; to attend on the sick during the night; as, to watch with a man in a fever.
- To serve the purpose of a watchman by floating properly in its place; -- said of a buoy. - To give heed to; to observe the actions or motions of, for any purpose; to keep in view; not to lose from sight and observation; as, to watch the progress of a bill in the legislature.
- To tend; to guard; to have in keeping.
- That part, usually one half, of the officers and crew, who together attend to the working of a vessel for an allotted time, usually four hours. The watches are designated as the port watch, and the starboard watch. - The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly observant attention; close observation; guard; preservative or preventive vigilance; formerly, a watching or guarding by night.
- One who watches, or those who watch; a watchman, or a body of watchmen; a sentry; a guard.
- The post or office of a watchman; also, the place where a watchman is posted, or where a guard is kept.
- The period of the night during which a person does duty as a sentinel, or guard; the time from the placing of a sentinel till his relief; hence, a division of the night.
- A small timepiece, or chronometer, to be carried about the person, the machinery of which is moved by a spring.
- To be awake; to be or continue without sleep; to wake; to keep vigil.
- To be attentive or vigilant; to give heed; to be on the lookout; to keep guard; to act as sentinel.
- To be expectant; to look with expectation; to wait; to seek opportunity.
- To remain awake with any one as nurse or attendant; to attend on the sick during the night; as, to watch with a man in a fever.
- To serve the purpose of a watchman by floating properly in its place; -- said of a buoy. - To give heed to; to observe the actions or motions of, for any purpose; to keep in view; not to lose from sight and observation; as, to watch the progress of a bill in the legislature.
- To tend; to guard; to have in keeping.
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