Hindi meaning of avoidance
Synonym rectification; inattention; prohibition; elusion; procrastination;
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English Dictionary:
- The act of annulling; annulment.
- The act of becoming vacant, or the state of being vacant; -- specifically used for the state of a benefice becoming void by the death, deprivation, or resignation of the incumbent.
- A dismissing or a quitting; removal; withdrawal.
- The act of avoiding or shunning; keeping clear of.
- The courts by which anything is carried off.
- The act of becoming vacant, or the state of being vacant; -- specifically used for the state of a benefice becoming void by the death, deprivation, or resignation of the incumbent.
- A dismissing or a quitting; removal; withdrawal.
- The act of avoiding or shunning; keeping clear of.
- The courts by which anything is carried off.
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