Hindi meaning of bullhead
Synonym fool; ignorance; root; lummox;
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English Dictionary:
- A fresh-water fish of many species, of the genus
Uranidea, esp. U. gobio of Europe, and U. Richardsoni of the United
States; -- called also miller's thumb.
- In America, several species of Amiurus; -- called also catfish, horned pout, and bullpout.
- A marine fish of the genus Cottus; the sculpin.
- The black-bellied plover (Squatarola helvetica); -- called also beetlehead.
- The golden plover.
- A stupid fellow; a lubber.
- A small black water insect.
- In America, several species of Amiurus; -- called also catfish, horned pout, and bullpout.
- A marine fish of the genus Cottus; the sculpin.
- The black-bellied plover (Squatarola helvetica); -- called also beetlehead.
- The golden plover.
- A stupid fellow; a lubber.
- A small black water insect.
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