Hindi meaning of discover
Synonym search; find out; ensue; invent; unfold;
Next : discovererPrevious : discourtesy
English Dictionary:
- To discover or show one's self. - To uncover.
- To disclose; to lay open to view; to make visible; to reveal; to make known; to show (what has been secret, unseen, or unknown).
- To obtain for the first time sight or knowledge of, as of a thing existing already, but not perceived or known; to find; to ascertain; to espy; to detect.
- To manifest without design; to show.
- To explore; to examine.
- To disclose; to lay open to view; to make visible; to reveal; to make known; to show (what has been secret, unseen, or unknown).
- To obtain for the first time sight or knowledge of, as of a thing existing already, but not perceived or known; to find; to ascertain; to espy; to detect.
- To manifest without design; to show.
- To explore; to examine.
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