Hindi meaning of prescribe
Synonym ordain; let; dictate; determine;
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English Dictionary:
- To give directions; to dictate.
- To influence by long use
- To write or to give medical directions; to indicate remedies; as, to prescribe for a patient in a fever.
- To claim by prescription; to claim a title to a thing on the ground of immemorial use and enjoyment, that is, by a custom having the force of law. - To lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction, or rule of action; to impose as a peremptory order; to dictate; to appoint; to direct.
- To direct, as a remedy to be used by a patient; as, the doctor prescribed quinine.
- To influence by long use
- To write or to give medical directions; to indicate remedies; as, to prescribe for a patient in a fever.
- To claim by prescription; to claim a title to a thing on the ground of immemorial use and enjoyment, that is, by a custom having the force of law. - To lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction, or rule of action; to impose as a peremptory order; to dictate; to appoint; to direct.
- To direct, as a remedy to be used by a patient; as, the doctor prescribed quinine.
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