Hindi meaning of read
/verb/पढ़ना; पढ़ाना; समझना; बोलना; अध्ययन करना; पढ़ने की क्षमता रखना; व्याख्या करना; शिक्षा-प्राप्त करना; रीड;
Synonym reading; study; teach; understand; speak; read out; decode; learn; reed;
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English Dictionary:
- imp. & p. p. of Read, v. t. & i. - Instructed or knowing by reading; versed in books; learned. - of Read - Rennet. See 3d Reed. - Reading. - To give advice or counsel.
- To tell; to declare.
- To perform the act of reading; to peruse, or to go over and utter aloud, the words of a book or other like document.
- To study by reading; as, he read for the bar.
- To learn by reading.
- To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts.
- To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly. - To advise; to counsel.
- To interpret; to explain; as, to read a riddle.
- To tell; to declare; to recite.
- To go over, as characters or words, and utter aloud, or recite to one's self inaudibly; to take in the sense of, as of language, by interpreting the characters with which it is expressed; to peruse; as, to read a discourse; to read the letters of an alphabet; to read figures; to read the notes of music, or to read music; to read a book.
- Hence, to know fully; to comprehend.
- To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc.; to learn by observation.
- To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law.
- Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel. See Rede.
- To tell; to declare.
- To perform the act of reading; to peruse, or to go over and utter aloud, the words of a book or other like document.
- To study by reading; as, he read for the bar.
- To learn by reading.
- To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts.
- To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly. - To advise; to counsel.
- To interpret; to explain; as, to read a riddle.
- To tell; to declare; to recite.
- To go over, as characters or words, and utter aloud, or recite to one's self inaudibly; to take in the sense of, as of language, by interpreting the characters with which it is expressed; to peruse; as, to read a discourse; to read the letters of an alphabet; to read figures; to read the notes of music, or to read music; to read a book.
- Hence, to know fully; to comprehend.
- To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc.; to learn by observation.
- To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law.
- Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel. See Rede.
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