Hindi meaning of sputter
Synonym boom; noise; stir; uproar; lick one's chops; splutter; chatter;
English Dictionary:
- Moist matter thrown out in small detached particles; also,
confused and hasty speech. - To spit, or to emit saliva from the mouth in small,
scattered portions, as in rapid speaking.
- To utter words hastily and indistinctly; to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva.
- To throw out anything, as little jets of steam, with a noise like that made by one sputtering. - To spit out hastily by quick, successive efforts, with a spluttering sound; to utter hastily and confusedly, without control over the organs of speech.
- To utter words hastily and indistinctly; to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva.
- To throw out anything, as little jets of steam, with a noise like that made by one sputtering. - To spit out hastily by quick, successive efforts, with a spluttering sound; to utter hastily and confusedly, without control over the organs of speech.
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