Hindi meaning of deed
Synonym document; trowel; job; doings; task; paper; work; locomotion; matter; exploit; dealing; verb;
English Dictionary:
- Dead. - That which is done or effected by a responsible agent; an
act; an action; a thing done; -- a word of extensive application,
including, whatever is done, good or bad, great or small.
- Illustrious act; achievement; exploit.
- Power of action; agency; efficiency.
- Fact; reality; -- whence we have indeed.
- A sealed instrument in writing, on paper or parchment, duly executed and delivered, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract.
- Performance; -- followed by of.
- To convey or transfer by deed; as, he deeded all his estate to his eldest son.
- Illustrious act; achievement; exploit.
- Power of action; agency; efficiency.
- Fact; reality; -- whence we have indeed.
- A sealed instrument in writing, on paper or parchment, duly executed and delivered, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract.
- Performance; -- followed by of.
- To convey or transfer by deed; as, he deeded all his estate to his eldest son.
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