Hindi meaning of duplicate
/adjective/दोहरा; समानार्थ; दूना; दुगुना; मिलता-जुलता;
/verb/दोहराना; प्रतिलिपि बनाना; प्रतिरूप बनानादूना करना;
Synonym transcript; doublet; replica; duplicate copy; double; synonymic; duplex; duple; repeat; pattern;
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English Dictionary:
- Double; twofold. - That which exactly resembles or corresponds to something
else; another, correspondent to the first; hence, a copy; a transcript;
a counterpart.
- An original instrument repeated; a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original. - To double; to fold; to render double.
- To make a duplicate of (something); to make a copy or transcript of.
- To divide into two by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, infusoria duplicate themselves.
- An original instrument repeated; a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original. - To double; to fold; to render double.
- To make a duplicate of (something); to make a copy or transcript of.
- To divide into two by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, infusoria duplicate themselves.
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