Hindi meaning of slough
Synonym snakeskin; bog; mud; hopelessness; nostalgia; sadness; scurf;
English Dictionary:
- imp. of Slee, to slay. Slew. - Slow. - A place of deep mud or mire; a hole full of mire.
- A wet place; a swale; a side channel or inlet from a river.
- The skin, commonly the cast-off skin, of a serpent or of some similar animal.
- The dead mass separating from a foul sore; the dead part which separates from the living tissue in mortification. - To form a slough; to separate in the form of dead matter from the living tissues; -- often used with off, or away; as, a sloughing ulcer; the dead tissues slough off slowly. - To cast off; to discard as refuse.
- A wet place; a swale; a side channel or inlet from a river.
- The skin, commonly the cast-off skin, of a serpent or of some similar animal.
- The dead mass separating from a foul sore; the dead part which separates from the living tissue in mortification. - To form a slough; to separate in the form of dead matter from the living tissues; -- often used with off, or away; as, a sloughing ulcer; the dead tissues slough off slowly. - To cast off; to discard as refuse.
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