Hindi meaning of familiar
Synonym acquainted; intimate; cognizant; prevalent; general; close; famous; cater-cousin; prepense; Familiar;
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English Dictionary:
- Of or pertaining to a family; domestic.
- Closely acquainted or intimate, as a friend or companion; well versed in, as any subject of study; as, familiar with the Scriptures.
- Characterized by, or exhibiting, the manner of an intimate friend; not formal; unconstrained; easy; accessible.
- Well known; well understood; common; frequent; as, a familiar illustration.
- Improperly acquainted; wrongly intimate. - An intimate; a companion.
- An attendant demon or evil spirit.
- A confidential officer employed in the service of the tribunal, especially in apprehending and imprisoning the accused.
- Closely acquainted or intimate, as a friend or companion; well versed in, as any subject of study; as, familiar with the Scriptures.
- Characterized by, or exhibiting, the manner of an intimate friend; not formal; unconstrained; easy; accessible.
- Well known; well understood; common; frequent; as, a familiar illustration.
- Improperly acquainted; wrongly intimate. - An intimate; a companion.
- An attendant demon or evil spirit.
- A confidential officer employed in the service of the tribunal, especially in apprehending and imprisoning the accused.
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